with Melly

January 19 (Sunday)
at 11:30

Class length
75 minutes


Journey to the Yinside

In today’s world, everything is fast paced.

This is where Yin Yoga can act as a remedy to our lifestyles, overflowing with stress and overwork. Unlike vigorous, Yang-dominated yoga forms that are so popular today, Yin Yoga is a more comfortable contrast to modern-day practices, with its intensely restful, yet long-held postures.

Inspired by philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine, modern-day Yin Yoga primarily focuses on your body’s meridians. Meridians are invisible pathways in your body
that carry energy, or Qi. The deep postures of Yin Yoga work with your meridians to boost your overall health and wellbeing.

Yin encourages you to slow down and immerse yourself in a form of calm and mental immobility thatcan result in a deeper expansion in your consciousness.

Limited Space : 20 Mats


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